2013년 8월 9일 금요일

Review on Wednesday, August 7th

I love these site!!

TV & Movie Viewing & Downloading
http://film-english.com/2013/05/06/real-beauty/   later, for my students.

Reading and Fluency Activities.
Check Noel's post and watch the movie clip if there is time.
We watched Dr.Richard Day's instruction about extensive reading a little. His lecture was fun. I should watch it on weekend, because as you know, I am a fan of extensive reading.
Reading should be interactive process. It couldn't be passive. A reader uses their knowledge/scheme to understand text and build their own meaning. For example, when we think about 'walk', although we think about same behavior, the speed would be different based on the place in which a person lives. Walking in the city and walking in the country can't be same.
Reading is fun, magic. I agree with this. I like to read books. Whenever I read a book which is interesting, I forget to check the time. 4 years ago, I saw the cover of 'Time Traveler's Wife' in the bookstore. I was curious. I started to read the book and soon I found out I spent 2 hour reading the book standing there. For two hours, I just read the book without thinking anything. I happens sometimes. That's why I stay awake whole night reading some books on the weekend. I like stories too much. Someone calls this kind of experience "flow"(doing something and lose track such as what time it is). It is shame that I experience flow usually while reading novels. If I did while I study, I could be a doctor at this age.
Also, I try reading books in English, because I know it is effective way to improve my English. It is effective for Korean learning, too. It is interesting that what I have done is just reading. However, it gives me lots of vocabulary and some writing skills. "Reading a lot makes a good writer" is true in some degree.(I can't say I am a good writer. lol)
To make reading fun and magic, readers should choose the book by themselves. Also, If you don't like the book, just throw away and choose other books. You don't have to be completionist. (Well, this is a good excuse for me to buy another book often.)

We can learn to read by reading.
(Okay. now, how can I apply this to my students? I should try next year)

When we do extensive reading, incidental learning happens.
We take vocab, writing skills, lowering affective filter, motivation increase and positive attitude.

When we learn a language, Krashen(?) said 'i+1' input is important. It is a good theory. The problem is, how do we measure 'I'?
And extensive reading must be easy. if something is difficult, can we really enjoy reading?
Easy build 
Speed build 
fluency Build 

Students may read some difficult thing if the topic is really interesting like sexual or violent...

I think I am very tolerant to ambiguity. This is a kind of learning style. I know my learning style a little. I am tolerant to ambiguity and field dependent. Also, I like to learn by reading and listening rather than speaking or writing. Those are the ways express myself. But I know writing what I've learned or making mindmap is really helpful to organize my knowledge.

Anyway, extensive reading works well for me because I don't think I should understand everything. That's why I can read Anne series without dictionary, not because I understand words incidentally. 

Oops, it is too long. What am I doing now?

US Education System&Overseas Preperation
Jeff gave us some paper. I know Jeff hate killing trees but today, the letters in the paper so... small. haha. I don't know why, but I prefer reading text on the PAPER not on the screen. It hurts my eyes. Ebookreader is good thinking about computer screen. I love kindle or crema(Koean ebookreader). I read some regulation which students in high school where I may go should follow and......... it was little scary. Why does the rule mention 'gang'? Does that mean there is gang in California? I didn't expect to see any rules mentioning clothing showing membership of gang. ha.... The USA could be scary country in some aspect.

He wanted us to read this and do jigsaw tomorrow. another homework...

Writing for Communication.
Although Denis once made us sleep(when he guided how to write free writing, most of us fell asleep. lol), I like his writing class. Jeff taught me make this blog, and Denis encouraged me to write something not worrying about mistakes. So, I make many many many mistakes, and write like this. Why? I like to keep a diary. 
We try wring a paragraph using T/F S R I C. I am writing about stress as I take this course. There is much homework! -_- kkkkkk

Even Jeff gave us homework...
Well, it is good. It makes me read something. Without the homework, I plan to read but I will end up failing to read as usual.

Time to go homework.
(Although I am writing this August 9, 2:27am)

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