Today is Noel's day. There are two times of Speaking and Interactive Communication, but Brad has gone for work for a while. So, Noel took the classes this week.
As always, he was fun. We talked about food first. Korean has several vocabulary for rice, because it is our stable food. It reminded me of Inuit which has many words for snow because the land where Inuits live is covered by snow for long time and it snows a lot there. Language has its feature based on the environment in which it is used.
'one on the right' not right one, (un)polished rice, whole grain, glass noodle, traditional steamed sausage(soondae. haha).
Then we tried 'transliterate' not translation. 궁중떡볶이-> Gungjungddeokbokgi. 돼지국밥->Dwaejigukbab not 'soup with pork and rice'.
I think we don't have to translate name of Korean food. It sounds awkward often.
And other speaking activity using Korean food. Rating Korean Rice Dishes Survey Sheet.
Pedagogical English Instruction. Preparing for presentation. I am getting nervous now.
meaningful input, language focus, meaningful output, fluency.
well, I tend not to have interest in students' output in class that much. I don't want to make them worried and nervous about making some output. I think when it is the time, they can speak and write with little help. My job is guiding and giving some good resource and tips.
Teaching Culture in the English Classroom.
I know there is few people reading this post all. If you read this part, Keep this secret, please.:) This is my individual opinion and because this blog is mine, I write this. Just keep this mine not others'.
Teacher Rob must have some bad impression or bad experience about rice. He always emphasizes we shouldn't eat rice at lunch because it is carbohydrate which makes people sleepy. I don't agree with his opinion although some part may be right. I saw some foreigners blame rice for getting weight or not being healthy. They say that rice is one of white food which cause obesity and has low nutrient. However, flour which is made of wheat has more calories comparing with same amount of rice and it changes into sugar faster than rice does once it goes inside body. Moreover, Korean diet always has rice. We have eaten rice for more than hundreds years. If someone dozes, that is because he or she has lunch too much and there is no room for brain working for study except for digestion.
In a nutshell, frankly speaking, I was upset. It may be a kidding for kind of ice-breaking, but still somewhat it was irritating. Although I said it is part of Korean culture, he said we should not eat rice. Then, what should we eat? Only meat and vegetables? I am NOT a westerner. Sandwich? It has also carbohydrate a lot! To make my brain function well, I need carbohydrate a little. Without it, our body cannot make enough energy to move.
Argument = claim + premise
claim: true or false, a declarative statement or conclusion, a fact, wish, intent, feeling or value.
premises: proof, reason,
I know that I am childish to react like this. If someone tell me joke, I should take it as joke.
I should.
Again, Speaking and Interactive Communication with Noel. We talked about dictogloss first. It was kind of review what I studied several years ago.
dictation: teacher talks slowly, students write down as soon as they listen, and it is individual work focusing on accuracy.
dictogloss: teacher talks normal speed, students first just listen and try write down at the second reading, in group which focusing on grammar but not 100% of accuracy.
I like Abril Lavigne and her songs. I'm with you. My students of their teens may love this song.
I heard the rain season ended but it is raining a lot. I should go out and jog... but not today.:-(
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답글삭제The good old Sapir-Wharf Hypothesis raises it's ugly head. Linguists like Steven Pinker have really good arguments to debunk linguistic determinism but perhaps there are still other arguments that hold weight such as the plethora of words in Korean for not only rice but also, slightly different variations of grains :)
답글삭제I just brought up the idea because I have read it briefly in the book 'principle of language learning and teaching' and... is it false hypothesis? If there is any other things, I want to know more.:)
삭제Pinker lists several points on this issue in his book 'The language Instinct'. What are some criticisms of the hypothesis? I found this nice statement explaining the position on the web:
삭제While linguists generally agree that the weaker Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, also known as linguistic relativism, can be shown to be true to some extent, there are criticisms of the stronger form of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, also known as linguistic determinism. Among the criticisms of the strong form of the Hypothesis are:
1: One of Whorf's central arguments in his paper on language determining thought was that the Hopi terminology for time gave the Hopi a different and unique understanding of how time worked, distinct from the typical Western conception of time. Pinker (1994) argues that Whorf had never actually met anyone from the Hopi tribe and that a later anthropologist discovered, in fact, the Hopi conception of time was not so different from the traditional Western understanding of it.
2: The problem of translatability: if each language had a completely distinct reality encoded within it, how could a work be translated from one language to another? Yet, literary works, instruction manuals and so forth are regularly translated and communication in this regard is not only possible, but happens every day.