2013년 8월 6일 화요일

Review on Monday, August 5th.

I am writing this after finishing review on Friday. Thanks, google blog to give me another chance to review what I've learned on Friday!!

Teaching Listening and Speaking

I got this from Jeff's google document.

Guess the Classmate Activities
Short Version:  Have students write a short list of words in a given time. (e.g. words that describe what you did last weekend).  The teacher then collects the papers, reads a few and students guess who they think wrote it. Longer Version:  Have students fill out a worksheet similar to the one below.  Make sure know students don’t write their names on the paper.  Collect all of the forms and have students pick one at a time (whole group or small group). Have students read the information and guess who is being described.

Comments, Ideas, & Extensions

It was interesting that one word can show a person. Color, their hobbies, clothing they like... We can figure out who filled the form. We do know each other more than we think.

In my class, I may use this activity when I have some time or at the last time of the semester. It will be fun.

Writing for communication
Okay. Today was tough day with this subject. The concept was rather vague and not concrete to grasp. Topic, focus, statement, (reason/effect), illustration(specific example), comment. We should keep asking Denis of the meaning and its use in the text. He gave us example writings, but it was rather strange to understand the concepts of those things. After some writing, I may get the notion.

CALL & Multimedia Instruction
I always wonder how Jeff gather these lots of site and materials. I like lots of things and... I should think about how to use those things. Also, he taught us how to use RSS. Next time, I want to know how to put RSS in my blog or other places.

Q: Where can I find the google document that you always put some words at the end of the class? I look for it and everyday I end up failing to find it out.

Practicum and Microteaching
We prepared for the presentation using the storyboard. I am little worried. Do we do alright?

댓글 3개:

  1. Re: RSS on your blog
    You can add links to the RSS feeds for your blog back clicking on Layout in your Bloggger Dashboard and adding a 'Subscription Links' gadget. You can repost links from another RSS source by adding a 'Feed' gadget. For more flexibility, you can use an external widget service like http://rssfeedwidget.com/

    Re: the Class Notes Google Doc.
    It's linked to on the top post of http://ttp3-3.blogspot.kr/ If you make any edit to the doc, it will also be listed in your Google Drive under 'All Items' and 'Recent'.

  2. I need to take your class Jeff, I have no idea what you just wrote :)

    1. Sometimes(or more) I get confused and ask him lots of questions.
