2013년 9월 5일 목요일

Trip to Seoul and Gyeonggido.

I am not saying that it was good to miss the class. It was not good because there are lots of things I have to catch up and some professors must be very angry.
However, it was worth spending my time resting somewhere away from Busan.
Of course, I am so tired and have stiff shoulders from lots of walking. I don't know when I can take a rest enough. It was not rest for my body but my spirit? haha.
I didn't think about vacation for this year much. I almost gave up to have some time to rest. I am so lucky to take this course and want to focus on this only.
However, I found out there is an exhibition about Studio Ghibli and I must go there. I must.
Everyone has something in them which makes them feel alive. Mine is anything related to comic or animation. Ghibli is the company(?) or studio of my dream. If I hadn't given up one of my dream, it may have been my another future job, the animator working in Ghibli. haha.
So, I went there and saw about 1300 layouts for 5 hours. It was not enough time. If I lived in Seoul, I would go again and again. I love those pictures, although those are not completed pictures or movies. When I looked around inside the gallery, I felt my heart beating. It seemed to scream to me like 'I want to draw like this! I need practice!'
Seriously, I will make some time to draw cartoon again.
Now, I feel my heart beating again. I hope this is not because of coffee now I am drinking.
Also, I met my friends. One of them is now a mother of a baby. She and I spent 2 years together studying for the test. We shared lots of things those days. Now, we live different places, we are still able to share our thoughts. Well, I should learn how to talk more, though. haha.
Talking with her, I can organize my thought more. It becomes more and more obvious that I really want to study more, and what part I should study after. It is always good to have talk with friends like her. We have common interests and I can tell her everything about my work. She listens to me all without any prejudice which other people always have about teachers. She is a teacher, too. That's why I can share my thoughts with her. Other friends who are not teacher, sorry for this, cannot understand me and still think teaching is better job for theirs because of vacation.
I think they are not satisfied with their jobs.
Anyway, it was good to talk with her and have some time to think. It was a big help.

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