2013년 9월 16일 월요일

Review on Thursday, September 12th.

Teaching Learning and Speaking
We talked about what questions we may get in USA.
Jeff showed us how Americans talk and... I thought he exaggerated a lot. haha. Although my friend chewed gum sometimes, but she and her boyfriend never say like that. Also, they are good listeners. I may know very decent Americans. lol.
I with we had had a class for presentation in USA. Then, we could practice speech and also could prepare some presentation together. Not like we have to prepare ourselves.

Teaching Culture in the English Classroom
Presentation time! People presented what they prepared and I did. Unluckily, I presented about fallacies about vegetarianism. (Someone must laugh at this...) I was thinking about coffee, but it was hard to prepare. Then, I brought up with vegetarianism because I read a book named "Vegetarian myth" in Korean. Anyway, though, I didn't do all I thought, it was not bad. haha.

But why did Rob look so serious?
Creativity needs time!

And... everyone was curious about a certain professor's reaction if he know my presentation.......Although I accidentally chose the topic(it was just plan B, but he, I think, doesn't bite this. haha.-_-;;)

p.s. Bruce was late for hangover. As usual, he looked so shy and came into the class bending over. When we sat down, he accidentally showed his underwear for his shirt tucked under his backpack. Everyone saw it and Rob was so amused.  

Classroom English
We did reading and interview with Noel. I did last time, so I read Jane Eyre. I love this novel.

Pedagogical English Instruction
There are several learning style. We studied about that briefly and checked our learning style. Mine was reading and writing, but I was rather balanced so I can use any senses to learning.

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