2014년 1월 27일 월요일

Review on Tuesday to Friday, 21st to 24th, January, 2014

From Tuesday to Friday, there was nothing much. I did the demonstration class for the first out of eleven teachers on Tuesday, and it was not bad. I was nervous at the beginning, but I think I didn't do that bad.

In the afternoon, Bob leaded us to discuss about climate change and global warming. There were lots of fallacies and now I got confused with all those arguments.

On Wednesday, I watched other teachers' class in bad condition. I drank a lot the day before(Tuesday), and the hangover was the worst ever. However, I felt great to meet the teachers.

In the afternoon, Noel showed us some interesting movie clips like got talent or idol... kkk


Brad gave us five choices. Most of them gave us lots of freedom. We chose the second and some of them went out for getting feedback on our demonstration class.

Denis gave me always good feedback. However, I should be careful of not missing visual things and fluency.

In the afternoon, Jeff asked us to record a kind of "time capsule". He looked so excited to make this one. I think that is his big talent: making mood very dramatic with only his voice and acting.

Anyway, Sorry for Jeff, but I don't think I am going to listen the recording now or the time. I already have what I need. I already have all beautiful memories and souvenirs. I don't have to add to them. I don't have to have all.

Friday, there was the Closing Ceremony. Unexpectedly, I got the prize for the best scored person! That was a real amazing and I was totally surprised! I was so happy that my work finally got admitted by others. There was a gift card, but I liked more the certificate itself. Really, Seriously.

Six months... It was long and short. I feel 시원 섭섭. I don't know how to say this in English.

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